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1. Interpretation

In these terms and conditions the following words shall have the meanings hereinafter in this clause respectively assigned to them.

  1. ‘The Company’ shall mean Huntingdonshire District Council including the grounds, facilities and equipment.

  2. ‘Hirer’ shall mean the person/persons or body of persons in whose name the booking is made.

  3. ‘Customer’ shall mean any person coming onto the premises of the Huntingdonshire District Council

  4. ‘The Staff’ shall mean the Manager of the Huntingdonshire District Council and any other person employed therein.

  5. ‘Adult’ shall mean an individual over 18 years of age.

  6. ‘Facilities/venue’ shall mean Huntingdonshire District Council and ancillary areas.

2. Huntingdonshire District Council Use

  1. The company accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or costs incurred during attendance at the venue and its environs. Liability will be accepted if any of these cases are caused by the staff or their representatives.

  2. Use of the facilities/venue in any capacity is made subject to the customer conforming to these Terms and Conditions.

  3. Use of the facilities/venue or any other subsidiary room is restricted to pre-booked areas only. The Staff reserve the right to allow access to other areas on the day. Charges will apply.

  4. Use of the company equipment is restricted to pre-booked equipment only. The Staff reserve the right to allow access to other equipment on the day. Charges will apply.

  5. The hirer must conform to the requirements for security set out by the company. Only security staff supplied by the company are licensed to work on the premises.

  6. Use of the facilities/venue outside any hours previously booked as per the contract will be charged at the current rate.

  7. The hirer is held responsible for the effective supervision of the arrangements and activities in any part of the facilities/venue during the period of hire and for the prevention of disorderly behaviour, and the hirer shall comply with any reasonable request of any staff.

  8. Times of any booked period include any set up and clearing away of equipment as required.

  9. Smoking is prohibited in the facilities/venue including e-cigarettes, except in the designated smoking patio area.

  10. All electrical equipment brought to the facilities/venue may not be used within the premises without prior permission of the company. A condition of such permission will be that the equipment, in question, has undergone certified portable appliance testing within a year of the current date.

3. Admission

  1. The company shall specify the maximum number of persons who will be permitted to use any facilities within the venue and if this is exceeded further charged may be applied. The Staff reserve the right to refuse admission to the facilities/venue and ancillary areas, without reason.

  2. The company and staff reserve at all times, a right of entry to every part of the facility/venue and a right to refuse admission to, or remove from the facility/venue, any person without stating a reason thereof.

4. Indemnity - The Hirer Shall:

  1. Repay the company on demand the cost of reinstating or replacing any part of the facilities or any property in or upon the facility or venue which shall be damaged, destroyed, stolen or removed during the period of hire and

  2. Seek and provide their own event insurance at their expense.

5. Kitchen Use

  1. The hirer is able to supply their own caterer/catering, only with prior permission from the staff and agreement of related fees.

  2. Any external caterer booked by the hirer must meet the ‘Kitchen use terms and conditions’ (See additional documents)

  3. The company will charge the hirer if the kitchen is not left in a suitable condition.

6. Transfer/Moving of Hire Period

  1. The moving of a function/event date/dates shall result in the cancellation policy being applied and loss of deposit.

7. General

  1. Customers are expected to behave with due regard to the building, grounds, staff and other customers. Wilful damage to the fixtures and fittings of the building or grounds, will be charged to the hirer, and could be referred to the police.

8. Lost Property

  1. Valuables are held on the premises for a period of three months.

  2. Semi-valuables such as books, bags, sports equipment, are held on the premises for a period of one month.

  3. Clothing is to be held on the premises for a period of one month.

  4. At the end of the stated period, any unclaimed item will be donated to charity.

9. Risk Assessments

  1. Any additional equipment/props need to be agreed prior to the event by the company, risk assessments need to be completed to demonstrate adequate measures are in place.

  2. No pyrotechnics/fireworks to be used anywhere on the site at any time, If fireworks are used at any time, a fine of £200 will be charged to the hirer. If there is a requirement for pyrotechnics this must be put in writing to the company prior to the event, and written permission gained before use.

  3. No smoke/haze machines to be used at any time, if there is a requirement this must be put in writing to the company prior to the event.

  4. Huntingdonshire District Council staff will carry out a visual inspection of any set up and may request removal of equipment/items if deemed to be causing a risk or unsuitable.

  5. Any use of ladders on site must see the individual using them trained and using appropriate equipment to do so.

10. Poster Advertising and Signage

  1. The hirer must ensure that all posters/advertising promoting the event at the facilities/venue carry the correct logo.

  2. No person shall fix or exhibit any advertisement in or upon any part of the facilities/venue without the previous written consent of the company.

  3. Signs and posters must not be put up onto any surface using cello tape or blue-tack. It’s the customers responsibly to ensure they have freestanding frames for any signage they wish to display.

  4. The company have the right to display posters/leaflets advertising the company’s business how and where they deem suitable.

11. Young Persons

  1. A responsible adult must accompany any person under 16 years of age for any visit to the facilities/venue.

  2. The hirer of the facilities/venue must be an Adult.

12. Gambling

  1. Gambling, raffles, sweepstakes or other forms of lottery and gaming may only take place subject to the prior written agreement from the company as part of any appropriate or special event.

13. PRS (Performing Rights Society)/Licences

  1. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure they declare the box office sales of tickets to the company.

  2. Any PRS charges will then be passed on to the hirer after the function.

14. Animals

  1. No animals, except guide dogs, shall be brought into the facilities/venue without written agreement from the company.

15. Photography

  1. The taking of photographic images and video filming within Huntingdonshire District Council is not allowed without both the written consent of the Manager and the person whose photograph is being taken. However, it is down to the Hirer to apply their own Photographic Policy and Huntingdonshire District Council staff with assist in administering this.

16. Charges and Receipts

  1. Charges are those laid down by the company are payable on arrival or in advance excepting those bookings paid on demand.

  2. Any receipt shall be retained and produced upon demand.

  3. A receipt is required when requesting a refund. Failure to produce a valid ticket, wrist band or receipt shall result in a refund request being rejected.

17. Deposits and Payments in Advance

  1. The hirer will pay when requested a deposit as per the booking form. The deposit is non-refundable.

  2. The hirer will pay when requested the full amount at the time of booking. Failure to make the payment will result in immediate suspension to the function until the account is bought up to date.

  3. It is the responsibility of the hirer to keep to the agreed payment schedule.

18. Booking Cancellation and Charges: Customer-Initiated Cancellations

  1. Failure to attend a pre-booked activity will result in normal charges being applied.

  2. Failure to provide the minimum required period of notice for cancellations will result in normal charges being applied.

  3. Notice of cancellation shall be made in writing no less than 30 days prior to the booking; otherwise the full charge is liable.

  4. Failure to make payment by required deadlines will result in immediate suspension of the booking, with future bookings being refused until such time as all arrears have been cleared.

  5. Unpaid debts will be pursued through the Huntingdonshire District Council Legal Department and their nominated collection agent.

19. Booking Cancellation and Charges: Company-Initiated Cancellations

  1. The company reserves the right to refuse any application as it may deem fit without any reason therefore and to cancel any booking on giving 30 days’ notice in writing to the hirer. Upon any such cancellation, the company will refund the hirer any monies paid in respect of the booking so cancelled, but the company will not be responsible for any expenditure whatsoever in relation to the booking which the hirer may have incurred or be liable to pay.

  2. For health and safety reasons, the company reserves the right to close the facilities/venue, or parts thereof, should essential repairs/maintenance prove necessary or circumstances dictate that it is unsafe to open. Under these circumstances every effort shall be made to forewarn customers via appropriate media sources.

  3. Huntingdonshire District Council Leisure Centres are designated Emergency Rest Centres and in times of local, regional or national emergency, bookings shall be suspended to enable the Leisure Centres to fulfil this role.

  4. Events of local significance. Periodically, Leisure Centres are approached to host events of local significance, such as polling station, election counts, or bookings of benefit to the local economy. At these times, pre-existing bookings may be suspended, at no cost to the customer.