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People & Communities

Our Community Safety team works with local people, communities and organisations to:

  • respond to issues of anti-social behaviour (ASB)

  • support victims

  • take positive action against offenders.

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Police Act 2014 defines anti-social behaviour as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person.'

Sometimes the best way to stop anti-social behaviour is to politely talk to the individual(s) responsible. Calmly discussing the behaviour and its impact can stop it from happening. Don't try this if it puts you in danger.

How do we deal with anti-social behaviour?

The council, in partnership with other organisations, follow the government guidance under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.  Further information is available on the Home Office website.

Social housing residents with complaints about their tenancy should contact their housing provider first.

Anti-social behaviour is not:

  • being unable to park outside your own home

  • children playing in the street or communal areas

  • civil disputes between neighbours, for example disagreements over shared driveways

  • lifestyle differences

  • respectful playing of ball games

  • young people gathering socially - unless they are intimidating other members of the community.

How do I report anti-social behaviour?

To report anti-social behaviour please use the link to the form below.

Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Alternatively, you can call us on 01480 388388 or email

Anti-Social Behaviour Review (Community Trigger)

The Anti-Social Behaviour Review is to give victims and communities the right to request a review of their case where a local threshold is met, and to bring agencies together to take a joined up, problem-solving approach to find a solution for the victim.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Review gives victims of anti-social behaviour the right to request a review of their case, where they believe the complaint has not had an adequate response.

A complainant, or someone acting on their behalf, can use the Anti-Social Behaviour Review where:

  • the anti-social behaviour was reported within 1 month of the alleged behaviour taking place and

  • the application to use the ASB Case Review is made within 6 months of the report of anti-social behaviour.

ASB Review Threshold

  • You have complained about the anti-social behaviour (to the police, HDC or your housing provider) at least three times in the past 6 months and not had an adequate response

  • You can provide evidence how the anti-social behaviour has caused you or your household harm

  • You can demonstrate that you have done all that you can to support the response to your complaints.

For example:

  • willingness to provide accounts and evidence

  • responded to communication

  • carried out suggested actions.

If your application is accepted, an independent panel will review it to see if all reasonable and appropriate actions were taken. We will keep you up to date at all stages of the review.

If your application does not meet the threshold mentioned above, we will let you know why. We will still provide you with advice, based on your circumstances. To apply, complete the application form below.

Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review Application Form

Community trigger data

The table below shows the number of Community Trigger applications the Huntingdonshire Community Safety Partnership (HCSP) has received and the resulting actions, for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023:

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Number of applications made 2
Number of times decided that threshold met 2
Number of ASB case reviews carried out 2
Number of ASB case reviews where recommendations made 2