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Environmental Issues

This campaign focuses on the fact that cleaning up our air is good for us in many ways - it not only benefits our physical health and the environment but can also protect our mental and brain health.

In the UK, air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health. The annual mortality of human-made air pollution in the UK is roughly equivalent to between 28,000 and 36,000 deaths yearly. It is estimated that between 2017 and 2025 the total cost to the NHS and social care system of air pollutants (fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide), for which there is more robust evidence for an association, will be £1.6 billion.

We would advise everyone to consider how you can reduce your impact and help prevent disease, for example:

  • walk and cycle more, especially using the back streets away from polluting traffic

  • avoid unnecessary burning at home (for example: in a stove or open fire) unless it is your only source of heat

  • if you rely on wood for your heating, use 'ready to burn' materials (for example dry wood or approved manufactured solid fuels), and try to ensure that your appliance is eco-design accredited

  • if you do have to drive, switch your engine off when you're stationary, and try to choose electric vehicles where you can. Idling petrol and diesel cars can have a significant localised effect on air quality, especially around schools. You should turn off the engine if your car isn't moving.

To get involved, visit the Clean Air Hub website.