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We have pulled together a range of useful advice and links to make it easier for you to find the information you need.

If you can’t find the advice you need and would like to discuss any housing issues with a housing officer, you are welcome to telephone for advice on 01480 388218 or email us at

Finding a home in the district

There are a number of housing options available within the district. See the Finding a Home pages for more information.

Problems with paying your rent

If you don’t pay your rent you may be evicted. To avoid this, it is important to act quickly.

  • has your income changed so that you can’t afford to pay your rent?  If so, check whether you are eligible to claim Housing Benefit to help you pay the rent

  • contact your landlord and explain your situation - ask for some extra time to make the payment

  • let your landlord know how you plan to deal with the problem for future payments so it won’t happen again

  • if you have debt problems that mean you are struggling to pay your rent, then get advice on how best to deal with your debts.

Shelter: Rent Arrears

Agencies offering free money and debt advice


Making Money Count

The Bridge Money Advice Centre

Huntingdon Area Money Advice

Rural Cambs Citizen Advice Bureau (covers East Cambridgeshire, Fenland and Huntingdonshire)


Christians Against Poverty

Citizens Advice Bureau

Debt Advice Foundation

Money Advice Service

National Debt Line


Housing standards

All housing should meet certain standards. The Housing Standards page has further information about the standards and what to do if the property you are renting does not meet them.


If you are facing eviction then you need to ask for advice as early as possible to see if anything can be done to stop your eviction.  You should ring us on 01480 388218 to speak to an adviser or email us at

Alternatively you could speak to an advisor at the local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Landlords have to follow certain legal procedures before they can evict you.

If your landlord has changed the locks or physically removed you and/or your possessions, depending upon your type of tenancy, this could be an illegal eviction.

Further advice:

GOV.UK: Private Renting for Tenants: Evictions

GOV.UK: Council and Housing Association Evictions

Homeless or at risk of homelessness?

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness you should ask for advice as soon as possible to either prevent your homelessness, or help you find another home.  We can provide advice and may be able to help you, depending on your situation.

More information about homelessness.

Basic rules for landlords and agents

A landlord or agent must follow a number of basic rules when letting out a property.  Although some of these may vary slightly depending on the type of tenancy you have, there are a number of basic rules that apply in all cases:

  • to secure your deposit in an approved deposit protection

  • not to disturb or harass their tenant

  • to carry out repairs that they are responsible for

  • to meet various safety standards.