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Council & Democracy

Further details for senior staff earning over £50,000 can be found in the SLT organisation structure spreadsheet

Michelle Sacks - Chief Executive Officer

  • Direct accountability for presenting and delivering the Corporate Plan
  • Electoral register and elections
  • Lead corporate leadership
  • Efficient and effective delivery of council statutory responsibilities
Michelle Sacks

Oliver Morley - Corporate Director

  • 3C ICT
  • Leisure
  • Operational Services - Waste, Grounds, Streets and CCTV
  • Shared Services Director


Oliver Morley

Mike Gildersleeves - Corporate Director (Place)

  • Futures Place Strategy
  • Economic development
  • Regeneration
  • Housing delivery
  • Strategic planning

Paul Fox - Interim Corporate Director (People)

  • Improving the quality of life for local people
  • Improving the happiness and wellbeing of residents
  • Keeping people out of crisis
  • Helping people in crisis

John Taylor - Chief Operating Officer

  • Customer Service
  • Community
  • Revenues and Benefits
  • Housing Needs
  • Intelligent Client for ICT Shared Services
John Taylor

Neil Sloper - Assistant Director (Strategic Insight and Delivery)

  • Countryside
  • Insight
  • Improvement and Delivery
  • Climate
  • Green Spaces
  • Parking
Neil Sloper

Sharon Russell-Surtees - Service Director (Finance and Resources)

  • Interim Section 151 Officer
  • Finance
  • HR
  • Audit and Risk
  • Estates

Gregg Holland - Interim Head of Leisure Services

  • Leisure and Health
Gregg Holland



Sagar Roy - Head of 3C ICT

  • 3C ICT Shared Services
Sagar Roy