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Public Access Unavailable (26 - 27 September)

Please be aware Public Access will not be available on 26 - 27 September due to essential maintenance.

What is a Local Land Charge?

The Local Land Charges Register was designed to ensure that purchasers of property or land were made aware of existing obligations or restrictions (known as "charges") which are legally passed onto successive owners of the property or land.

A search will identify any matter affecting the property or land which is registered as a Local Land Charge. Examples of charges include:

  • council grants that may need to be repaid

  • tree preservation orders

  • conservation areas and listed buildings

  • conditions imposed on planning permissions

  • enforcement notices

  • road agreements

  • legal agreements.

We have a duty to maintain an accurate and up-to-date Local Land Charges Register which lists details of all charges registered to land and property in our district.

When is a Local Land Charge search required?

A Local Land Charge search should be carried out when a property or piece of land is being sold, purchased, leased or valued to find out if there are any matters affecting the land.

The search includes standard details designed to give you as much information as possible about the property. This is to ensure that you are aware of any local matters affecting the property so that there are no hidden surprises.

What types of searches are there?

There are two official types of searches:

1. Form LLC1 – Application for an official search of the register

This consists of a search of the Land Charges Register. It shows if there are any charges affecting the property or land.

2. Form CON29 – Standard enquiries to local authority

Form CON29 consists of two parts:

  • standard questions on matters such as road proposals and schemes, local plan policies, compulsory purchase orders, enforcement actions, building regulations and planning applications and environmental health notices

  • additional enquiries, such as information on recent planning applications on adjoining properties, public paths or byways, pipelines, common land etc.

Parcels of land

An OS parcel is a field or similar unit identified and referenced by Ordnance Survey (OS). However, for search purposes, a parcel is a piece of land occupied or owned separately from the land around it. It can contain several OS parcels. A search can, however, include more than one parcel if the parcels are adjacent or separated only by a road, river or railway.

Separate search requests are needed for all such separate search parcels. We will accept as a single parcel a domestic dwelling and garage where the garage is located in a nearby garage block on the same development. The same principle applies to parking spaces.

There is one additional search:

Personal search

Anyone can make a personal search of the Local Land Charges Register free of charge. We also provide access to the unrefined CON29 Part 1 data. Some of this data is free of charge, but a fee is payable [PDF, 0.2MB] [PDF, 0.1MB] for some information. Please be aware that some mortgage companies do not accept personal searches.


If you want to make a specific highways enquiry you will need to contact Cambridgeshire Country Council, as they deal with these.

Who can apply?

Any member of the public can apply, but searches are usually carried out by a solicitor or licensed conveyancer on behalf of property buyers and sellers.

How much does a search cost?

See the Land Charges Fees page for details.

How do I submit a search?

Forms LLC1 and CON29

This service aims to speed up the conveyancing process by the use of electronic online transactions. It connects law firms, conveyancers and data providers such as HM Land Registry and local authority local land charges registries.

Submit a Search via the NLIS

You can also send your request by post to: Local Land Charges Section, Huntingdonshire District Council, Pathfinder House, St. Mary’s Street, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 3TN, enclosing the following documents:

  • a copy of a current Ordnance Survey extract for each application, with the outline of the property/land clearly marked in red

  • Form LLC1/CON29 (the forms are available from legal stationers and cannot be provided by us)

  • the correct fee.

Personal search

Telephone us on 01480 388388 to make an appointment (Monday to Friday) and have the following information to hand:

  • the full address of the property or land against which the personal search is to be made

  • the name of the person or company carrying out the personal search

  • a copy of a current Ordnance Survey map outlining the property to be searched against.

You should email this information to as soon as possible and at least 24 hours before the appointment.
Please note:

  • the fee [PDF, 0.2MB] [PDF, 0.1MB] for the unrefined data request is non-refundable as work will have started

  • we require 24 hours’ notice of a cancellation or change to a search appointment

  • if you do not provide a plan by the required time, the appointment for the personal search will be cancelled and you will need to re-book the search on the next available day.

How long will a search take?

Between five and ten working days for all searches.

What if my search is urgent?

All searches will be completed in order of application receipt. However, in exceptional circumstances we may be able to speed up the process, but this will be on a case by case basis. Telephone us on 01480 388019 to discuss.