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Residential Search Fee (No VAT) Fee (Inc VAT)
LLC1 £25.50 £25.50
LLC1 Additional Parcel £7.00 £7.00
CON29 £102.50 £123.00
CON29 Additional Parcel £28.00 £33.60
LLC1 and CON29 (Full Residential Search)  £128.00 £148.50
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Commercial Search Fee (No VAT) Fee (Inc VAT)
LLC1 £25.50 £25.50
LLC1 Additional Parcel £7.00 £7.00
CON29 £145.84 £175.00
CON29 Additional Parcel £57.80 £69.36
LLC1 and CON29 (Full Residential Search)  £171.34 £200.50
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Additions Fee (No VAT) Fee (Inc VAT)
Additional Enquiries £12.72 £15.26
Admin Fee (only applicable to individual CON29 Data questions) £4.50 £5.40
Plan Check Request Fee  £12.50 £15.00
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CON29 Optional Questions Fee (No VAT) Fee (Inc VAT)
Q4 Road Proposals by Private Bodies £6.42 £7.70
Q5 Advertisements £6.42 £7.70
Q6 Completion Notices £6.42 £7.70
Q7 Parks and Countryside £6.42 £7.70
Q8 Pipelines £15.00 £18.00
Q9 Houses in Multiple Occupation £6.42 £7.70
Q10 Noise Abatement £6.42 £7.70
Q11 Urban Development Areas £6.42 £7.70
Q12 Enterprise Zones, Local Development Orders and Bids £6.42 £7.70
Q13 Inner Urban Improvement Areas £6.42 £7.70
Q14 Simplified Planning Zones £6.42 £7.70
Q15 Land Maintenance Notices £6.42 £7.70
Q16 Mineral Consultation and Safeguarding Areas £17.00 £20.40
Q17 Hazardous Substance Consents £6.42 £7.70
Q18 Environmental and Pollution Notices £6.42 £7.70
Q19 Food Safety Notices £6.42 £7.70
Q20 Hedgerow Notices £6.42 £7.70
Q21 Flood Defence and Land Drainage Consents £17.00 £20.40
Q22 Common Land and Town or Village Green £29.00 £34.80

Prices are valid from 1 April 2024.

View CON29 fees by question [PDF, 0.1MB]

Please ensure that you provide the appropriate fee when submitting your application for a search as your application will be returned if the fee is not correct.

You can make a payment via debit/credit card by calling us on 01480 388019.

Please make any cheques payable to Huntingdonshire District Council.

Copies of documents

We can provide copies of Huntingdonshire District Council registration documents only, such as:

  • Section 106 agreements

  • Section 52 agreements

We charge an administration fee of £10 per document.

Request Document Copies