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Council & Democracy

Applicants are encouraged to read these funding criteria thoroughly as applications not meeting the criteria will not be considered.  

The 2024-25 Huntingdonshire Futures grant scheme is now open. The scheme welcomes applications from community groups and organisations who would like to engage with the Huntingdonshire Futures celebration of Huntingdonshire, marking a number of notable milestones for Huntingdonshire and the District Council during 2024 which include: 

  • 1st April 2024 – 50th Anniversary of the formation of the District Council
  • 25th April – Huntingdonshire Day
  • 1st October – 40th Anniversary of the naming of Huntingdonshire District Council

We would like to invite community groups and organisations to submit applications for grants of 500 pounds, upwards to 2,500 pounds to enable groups to create or add to existing events, activities or legacies aligned with the vision of Huntingdonshire Future’s five journeys:

  • Pride in Place
  • Inclusive Economy
  • Health Embedded
  • Environmental Innovation
  • Travel Transformed

The criteria are as follows:  

  1. The Huntingdonshire Futures grant scheme is open for applications with immediate effect. 

  2. One application per community group or organisation.

  3. The panel will regularly meet to consider applications. Applications will be assessed on a first come first served basis. In circumstances where it is necessary to cancel a panel meeting or postpone decision making, applications will be heard at the next available opportunity in chronological order of application.

  4. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application within 7 days of a decision being made by the panel. 

  5. There is no closing date for applications. Once the fund has been exhausted, the Huntingdonshire Futures Community Chest will close, and this will be confirmed on our website. 

  6. Applications must be for projects that are based in Huntingdonshire, and where the majority of beneficiaries are Huntingdonshire residents. 

  7. Applications to cover salaries or other core running costs of an organisation will not be considered. 

  8. No private individuals or commercial organisations are eligible to apply for funding. 

  9. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate that the organisation to which the application relates has a dedicated bank account. 

  10. Applicants must not apply to both the Huntingdonshire Futures grant scheme AND the Community Chest grant scheme in 2024/2025 for the same project, event, activity or purpose.

  11. The amount of funding that can be applied for is between £500 and £2,500, the final award determined by the Councillors on the award panel.  

  12. If the award panel approve of an idea but feel there is insufficient evidence to support the application, the panel reserve the right to assign an award subject to conditions e.g. evidence or more detailed plans.  This will require a response from the applicant within 14 days.

  13. The award of the grant will depend on applicants providing a breakdown of how the amount requested will be spent.

  14. Applicants must demonstrate the sustainability of their project, either in the form of financial self-sufficiency, alternative funding streams or an exit strategy at the end of the project. 

  15. If a project's costs on completion exceed the grant amount awarded, any further applications to fund a shortfall or overspend will not be considered.

  16. We encourage applicants to consider match-funding from other grant-giving bodies, business sponsorship or the organisation's own reserves.  We will look favourably on applications that provide match funding if significant additionality can be demonstrated in the application.

  17. Activities must link to at least one of the five journey themes of Huntingdonshire Futures to be prioritised for funding, particularly those that link to Pride in Place. This must be identified within the grant application form. Activities without an identified link will be unsuccessful.

  18. Funding may be awarded to support existing activities; however, this will only be the case when the extra activity and subsequent benefits enabled are set out within an application. A contribution to an existing event will not be approved without these additional benefits clearly explained.

  19. Activities that offer free participation will be prioritised for funding. Grants will not be awarded to activities that generate a commercial return.

  20. Activities that promote and support volunteering will be prioritised for funding. 

  21. Applications will not be considered for projects that promote or oppose any particular political party or religion, or discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic. 

  22. Applicants for event activity must clearly demonstrate deliverability as part of their application.

  23. If applicants want to hold an event on land owned or managed by Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC), applicants should read and follow the HDC guide - Running an Event or Party -

  24. On completing the funded project, all applicants must complete a brief evaluation to demonstrate the impact that the funding has had in line with the Huntingdonshire Futures journey theme, along with copies of receipts upon request. Any unspent funds, or funds that were used for a different purpose to that which the grant was awarded, must be returned to Huntingdonshire District Council within 30 days of request. 

  25. Successful applicants must agree to Huntingdonshire District Council requests for media coverage relating to the event or project, the applicants must agree to use any Communications pack associated with the grant scheme to ensure activities are consistently linked to Huntingdonshire Futures. 

  26. Grants awarded do not imply tacit successful applications for any other grant funding in future years. 

  27. The award of a grant does not infer any liability or responsibility of behalf of Huntingdonshire District Council or the Huntingdonshire Futures projects. It remains the responsibility and liability of the successful applicant to ensure compliance of any activity or project funded in whole or part with any legal and/or statutory requirements which may be required.

  28. Applications must be received at least 4 weeks ahead of planned activity or events.